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Patient Rooms | Legrand Saudi Arabia

In healthcare environments it’s just as important to guarantee safety and comfort for patients as it is to make work easier and more efficient for care staff. Legrand solutions for patient room equipment and staff assistance enhance the well-being for patients while also alleviating the increasing cost pressure within the sector.



Electrical safety requirements are paramount for installations in medical environments. Circuits for critical devices have to be specially protected and clearly identified. Patients’ safety is further enhanced through nurse call systems and emergency call points within reach in as many areas as possible.


Patient comfort improves quality of life and can speed up recovery times. To enhance well-being it’s important to make sure that essential functions such as emergency call, lighting, shutters and Internet access are all within easy reach. Antimicrobial medical bedhead strips combine innovative connectors and lighting components to ensure comfort for the inpatient and efficiency for the staff.


Infections present a considerable risk to patients, making it vital to ensure maximum hygiene and avoid cross contamination. Legrand’s dedicated solutions for healthcare environments from a wide range of wiring devices through to nurse call units come with an antimicrobial treatment which allows the majority of bacteria, fungi and viruses to be eliminated.